Virtual Courts ... Predictions and Beyond
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End-to-end online subpoena management software that can be used as an independent solution for single agencies or as a unifying software solution for multiple agencies to centralize subpoena management for the courts, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, public safety and civilian witnesses.
Designed as a companion to CourtNotify, the CourtNotify mobile app for iOS and Android devices enables officers to receive and acknowledge their court notifications in real-time and use the app's geofencing capabilities to capture check in and check out times of court events.
As another companion to CourtNotify, CourtNotify Attendance can be used on any type of web-based device at courthouse locations to track officers attendance times and event results, including failures to appear.
Praesent nec diam dui. Maecenas commodo erat eu ipsum dignissim, eget vestibulum elit porttitor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ac libero dui. Nunc nec vestibulum turpis. Pellentesque euismod ligula id augue tristique, non feugiat diam luctus. Sed viverra arcu eu erat lobortis sollicitudin. Morbi sed enim elit. Aliquam neque risus, semper vel urna ac, porttitor pharetra sem. Phasellus ut luctus nisl, non ullamcorper enim. Vestibulum erat erat, convallis non risus sit amet, vestibulum volutpat ipsum.