Police | Sheriff
Law Enforcement Agencies

Simplify Operational and Administrative Workforce Complexity

Managing today’s law enforcement workforce is no easy task. From Patrol to Jail to 911 Communication Divisions – the profession by its very nature challenges its workforce physically and mentally. Rising crime rates, staffing shortages, budget constraints, and challenging community relations have taken a heavy toll on the law enforcement profession.


Larger numbers of officers are taking early retirement and academy graduates are at an all-time low. With fewer officers and budget limitations, operational safety and administrative oversight are key concerns. The reality is that obtaining more law enforcement personnel won’t happen anytime soon. But it does point to a critical need for agencies work as efficiently as possible.

What Can Division Leaders Do to Operate Efficiently?

Utilize FieldWare's Operational Workforce Management Software and Mobile App Solutions

By using our online software and mobile app, law enforcement agencies nationwide are able to control costs, increase operations efficiencies and ensure compliance requirements using their own policy rules.


  • Automate workforce processes for multiple Divisions with different employee ranks, policies, and work locations
  • Control scheduling, staffing, payroll calculations, asset assignments, and training based on agency policies
  • Provide online and mobile self-services for scheduling, personnel's requests and so much more
  • Control security role access and capabilities based on agency requirements
  • Effectively manage costs and mitigate costly compliance risk

Use advanced technology automation to get the right persons, with the right skills, to the right locations, using the right equipment, and pay them the right amount.

Policeman on Radio

Law Enforcement Workforce Challenges

  • Retention and recruitment of qualified officers
  • Staffing shortages resulting in excessive overtime and officer fatigue
  • Budget limitations leading to staffing reductions, outdated equipment, and inadequate training
  • Managing enforcement of operational policy reforms
  • Recognizing and ensuring officer safety, wellness, and health
  • Ensuring training and licensing requirements achieved and reported
  • Risk of prosecution for on-duty actions
  • Negative media coverage of police issues
  • Diversity of workforce personnel and cultural inclusion
  • Complex payroll calculations for different ranks, divisions, and collective bargaining agreements

Why FieldWare for Law Enforcement?

FieldWare is dedicated to the professionals running public safety organizations. Our software and mobile solutions are designed to simplify extremely complex staffing, time and attendance, payroll calculations, personnel, asset and training requirements based on each Division's unique needs.

It’s ‘What’s Under the Hood’ that Sets Us Apart.


Our solutions are highly configurable, integrate easily with other technology platforms, and are securely hosted within our Azure Microsoft Government infrastructure.


  • Rules-based automation of highly complex workforce policies with adaptable security role access and system capabilities
  • Automate policies based on different Division's ranks, work locations and unique needs 
  • Interface exchanges of continuously changing data with various external platforms for increased efficiencies
  • Self-service reporting and analytics that provide insights for data-driven decision making    

Some of Our Law Enforcement Customers

Your Long Term Partner

As your long-term partner, we know that deploying your solution is just the beginning. We will continue to add value by providing forward thinking best practices that are tough problem solvers. From how to use operational analytics for smart decision making to offering methods for controlling costs and ensuring compliance, our job is to continuously add value to your investment.