Jails and Prisons

Enable Correctional Personnel to Operate More Efficiently and Safely

The correctional workforce includes a diverse range of personnel who work in jails, prisons, and other correctional facilities to manage offenders and defendants. They are responsible for enforcing rules, helping people re-enter society, and ultimately keeping the public safe. 


Undoubtedly, the profession by its very nature, presents challenges to its workforce physically and mentally. Insufficient staffing, limited budgets, and inmate overcrowding combined with staff recruitment and retention, training and agency succession planning take a heavy toll on the correctional workforce and administrators alike.  


Despite these concerns, correctional leaders must run secure facilities that keep the incarcerated and their own workforce safe while reducing recidivism. Needless to say, the task is complex. This is where technology adds significant value and drives efficiencies.

What Can Correctional Leaders Do to Keep Their Facilities Operating Efficiently?

Utilize FieldWare's Software, Mobile App and Interface Solutions

By using of our online workforce software and mobile app, correctional agencies are able to control officer costs, increase operational efficiencies and ensure workforce compliance requirements using their own policy rules for the diverse range of correctional workers.


When combined with our online supervision software and mobile app, pre-trial, parole, and probation officers realize additional supervision efficiencies that saves time, reduces recidivism, and increases safety within their communities.


When our interface software is included in the solution, interfaces with jail management or judicial systems eliminate redundancies and enable collaboration with criminal justice partners -- such as the courts, attorneys, medical services. 




Correctional Workforce Efficiencies

  • Automate workforce processes for civilian and sworn correctional professionals with different ranks, policies, and work locations
  • Control scheduling, time and attendance payroll calculations, asset assignments, and training based on agency policies
  • Adapt staffing levels to align with fluctuating inmate bed count
  • Provide online and mobile self-services for scheduling, requests and much more

  • Control security role access and capabilities based on agency requirements
  • Effectively manage costs and mitigate costly compliance risk

Pretrial, Probation and Parole Officer Efficiencies

  • Automate supervision using exception-based workflows, automated to-do lists, and remote check in for low risk clients
  • Increase client compliance with appointment generation, automated meeting reminders and more
  • Turn-key fee management for all types of agency and/or court ordered fines, fees and restitutions
  • Enable authorized service providers to access clients and case info for easy acceptance, intakes, and electronic reporting

Use advanced technology automation to get the right persons, with the right skills, to the right work locations, using the right equipment, and pay them the right amount.

Security Officer

Correctional Workforce Challenges

  • Budgetary constraints that lead to staff shortages, training and reduced programming for inmates.
  • Overcrowding resulting in challenges to maintain order and safety
  • Planning for staffing levels based on fluctuating bed count populations
  • Providing officer training protocols for oversight, safety, and accountability
  • Ensuring workforce training requirements achieved and reported
  • Backfilling unplanned vacancies with qualified personnel
  • Providing proper physical and mental medical support for inmates
  • Managing safe transport of the incarcerated to court and other facilities
Service Provider

Pretrial, Probation and Parole Challenges

  • Communication gaps between officers and their clients
  • Excessive number of time consuming case loads
  • Complex paperwork demands and lack of useful tools
  • High turnover of supervision personnel
  • Clients that fail-to-appear and increase administrative workloads
  • High risk clients that result in safety concerns
  • Officer exhaustion and job dissatisfaction
  • Budget limitations leading to staffing reductions, outdated equipment, and inadequate training

Why FieldWare for Corrections?

FieldWare is dedicated to the professionals running public safety organizations. Our Workforce software and mobile solutions are designed to simplify complex staffing, time and attendance, payroll calculations, personnel, asset and training requirements based on each Correctional Division's unique needs.  And our Supervision software offers streamlines workflows with a supervision mobile app that save time, improve compliance and increase client outcomes.

It’s ‘What’s Under the Hood’ that Sets Us Apart.


Our solutions are highly configurable, integrate easily with other technology platforms, and are securely hosted within our Azure Microsoft Government infrastructure.


  • Rules-based automation of highly complex workforce policies with adaptable security role access and system capabilities
  • Automate policies based on different Divisional workforce ranks, work locations and unique needs 
  • Enable interface exchanges of continuously changing data with various external platforms to eliminate redundancies and increased data driven insights
  • Self-service reporting and analytics that provide insights for better decision making    

Your Long Term Partner

As your long-term partner, we know that deploying your solution is just the beginning. We will continue to add value by providing forward thinking best practices that are tough problem solvers. From how to use operational analytics for smart decision making to offering methods for controlling costs and ensuring compliance, our job is to continuously add value to your investment.