The FieldWare Supervision Case Management module serves as the foundational component of all the FW | Supervision modules. It's a comprehensive solution that streamlines client management for better coordination, communications, and record tracking throughout all of the pretrial services process. Easy-to-use and adaptable to your needs, you'll save hours of valuable time managing your pretrial case loads.
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View supervisory to-do lists of record sets that identify action items and exception requirements. To-do lists group open issues into multi-client listings that can be viewed at the individual client level. As a result, pretrial officers save time acting on multiple cases that require similar actions for optimal case load management.
Extensive client conditions monitoring can be tracked in real-time. Multiple conditions can be tracked with configurable attributes that are officer driven or tied to court cases. Alerts can be configured to notify pretrial officers about condition-oriented issues such as monitoring of policy-based schedules, non-compliance situations, or specific condition due dates.
Pretrial officers or clients can initiate a text/SMS conversation directly to/from the solution. What's more, clients can submit proof of compliance with conditions, proof of residence or employment, etc. by texting in pictures of acceptable files. Each conversation history becomes a chrono and can be exported back to an agency's system of record.
With the solution's MySupervision web portal, clients can check-in, initiate video chats with their pretrial officer, or make required fee payments directly from any web enabled device 24/7. They can also view outstanding conditions and update status information. All communications are logged, eliminating the need for officers to manually enter narratives.
Chronological narratives can be entered by pretrial officers regarding contacts with clients. These can be categorized as single notes and applied for multiple clients in bulk. Automated chronos can also create generated based on specific activities or a lack of activity, such as failure to report.
Agency letters and documents can be generated and sent using to-do list workflows for improved efficiencies. Pretrial officers can create notification documents in multiple languages with just a few clicks. Ad-hoc letters or agency documents can also be generated and sent to individuals or groups.
We know you've got growing caseloads and need better tools to manage your entire pretrial supervision process. From defendant history to release recommendations, supervision and everything in between, you need tools that help you work as efficiently as possible.
We're here for you. Just let us know some of the challenges you're facing so we can help.