The Digital Transformation of Probation and Parole Services
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Supervision Case Management is the foundation of all FW | Supervision modules that streamlines parole or probation client management for better coordination, communications, and record tracking. Easy-to-use and adaptable to agency needs, this solution saves valuable time and results in better client outcomes.
A web portal for parole and probation clients to check-in or make fee payments; and for officers to communicate, monitor, and track client process.
Allows parole and probation clients to check in remotely via telephone IVR, smartphones, and web based devices as a supplement to face-to-face contact. It's a proven solution that improves outcomes for low-risk/low need clients.
A companion mobile app that enables officers to access comprehensive parole or probation client information, update conditions, notes and more from the field.
Reduces the cost of failures-to-appear and increases client compliance by enabling the generation of appointments and automating meeting reminders via phone and/or text.
Streamlines remittance-processing and reduces the burden of debt collections with a turn-key fee management program for all types of agency and/or court ordered fines, fees and restitutions.
Enables authorized service providers access to parole or probation clients and case information for easy acceptance, intakes, submission of electronic reports, logging of notes and setting of outcomes.
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