From tracking and monitoring probationers and parolees to ensuring their release compliance, POs are inundated with labor intense tasks for multiple clients each and every day. But that's just part of their jobs. They're also managing numerous caseloads, providing social services to support recovery and rehabilitation, and meeting regularly with their clients. It's a demanding profession that requires the most effective tools for success. Enter FieldWare.
The FieldWare Case Management SaaS Solution uses automation based on agency rules to streamline community supervision management. With this system, you'll collect and verify important information rapidly. Automate your workflows with exception-based action items using the system's unique to-do list capabilities ... and so much more. It's an essential solution that state and local agencies nationwide have relied on for 20+ years.
Case Management is the core platform to FieldWare's comprehensive supervision solution for managing all aspects of pre-trial, probation and parole. It can serve as an agency’s case management system of record, or any module can easily be integrated with existing case management systems.
My Supervision mobile app, enables clients to check-in and probation/parole officers to communicate, monitor, and track client process while on the go.
Reduce the cost of Failure to Appear by automating reminders via phone call and text notifications allowing agency staff to log and prove client compliance.
Allows clients to check in remotely to automate or supplement face-to-face contacts, proven to improve outcomes for low-risk/low need clients.
Reduce the cost of Failure to Appear by automating reminders via phone call and text notifications allowing agency staff to log and prove client compliance.
Standardize and streamline remittance-processing and reduce the burden of debt collection with a turn-key fee management program for all types of agency and court ordered fines, fees and restitution.
A singular solution to help manage information by providing automated and integrated reports by agency staff passed to designated treatment and service staff.
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