With FW | Workforce Training Management module (formerly Workforce Management PLUS), public safety agencies can manage curriculum-based courses, schedule and send notifications to employees, and track results for compliance reporting. Operational courses that ensure qualified staffing, like those for weapons, use-of-force or de-escalation scenarios, can be set as required for on-duty assignments. What's more, training academies serving multiple agencies can designate classroom locations for specific agency types. It's a centralized solution that increases efficiencies for employees, supervisors and training administrators.
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FW | Workforce Training Management is designed to coordinate employee course criteria with the availability of classrooms, teachers, and equipment. Employee course criteria is utilized to determine course qualification -- such as employee skill-sets, prerequisites, job classifications, or completion of specific activities. What's more, course scheduling can be based on operational roster scheduling rules to verify that minimum-staffing is maintained.
System automation increases certification management efficiencies. Employee certification dates are tracked with the ability to pre-define dates for renewal alerting. Since all certification data is saved, results can be transmitted electronically to governmental organizations when needed.
Historical training information housed in other agency systems can be imported. This data can then be conditioned to support FW | Workforce Training Management's criteria-based auto population of recommended training lists or personnel next-in-line for training events.
Do you need a better way of flagging who needs specific types of training?
Do you have a challenge ensuring certification renewals?
What about coordinating training with personnel's schedules?
Just reach out and tell us more. We are here to serve!