FieldWare Blogs

Jackie Belasky

Recent Posts

Virtual Courts ... Predictions and Beyond

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Aug 9, 2023 2:42:00 PM

The pandemic of 2020 will be remembered for generations, not only due to the loss of life but also because of the changes it forced society to make. Wearing masks, social distancing, and teleworking have changed almost every aspect of American life—including the court system. Although the long-term goal of returning to normal, the reality is that some aspects of virtual depositions and court applications may continue long term.

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How Can Workforce Analytics Add Value for Corrections?

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Jul 31, 2023 11:27:00 AM

While correctional agencies have always operated within a fluctuating environment, today’s staffing shortages have placed an unprecedented strain on resources by necessitating additional safety precautions and expenditures. This combined with declines in recruitment levels, has correctional personnel assuming multiple roles and working longer hours.

While agencies are now facing intense pressure to perform with limited resources, they must do so with a sense of real-time accountability and transparency. With increased auditing and regulatory compliances, improving operational and administrative workforce efficiencies is no longer an option. It’s a reality. The real question is ‘how’?

In this blog, we'll take a look at how your workforce data can provide data-driven insights for more efficient management of your correctional workforce.

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Leveraging Technology to Improve the Judicial Subpoena Process

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Jun 22, 2023 11:29:00 AM

In the demanding world of criminal justice practitioners, subpoenas are essential components of the court process. However, managing their delivery and receipt often becomes a painstaking task for judicial and public safety professionals. Outdated paper delivery processes, communications gaps, and unknown schedulings conflicts can waste time and result in unnecessary errors, docket backlogs, and increased costs.

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The Cost of Poor Scheduling in Public Safety

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Apr 24, 2023 11:31:00 AM

As law enforcement and fire departments across the nation struggle with staffing shortages, scheduling becomes an increasingly complex task. Departments must carefully balance serving the needs of their communities, protecting officers and firefighters safety, and operating within budgetary constraints. Failure to do this well can not only undermine safety but also create unnecessary costs for departments. In this article, we’ll look at some of the impacts that poor scheduling practices can have on police and fire departments and discuss strategies to improve scheduling outcomes.

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Using Data Analysis to Increase Efficiency in Public Safety Scheduling

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Apr 17, 2023 9:10:48 AM

For public safety agencies to carry out their wide range of duties effectively, employees must work in shifts that provide coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To best support public safety and avoid burnout, efficient scheduling is critical. Collecting and analyzing workforce data provides actionable insight into staffing, demand, and performance trends. Managed properly, this kind of data analysis empowers decision makers to make scheduling choices that best serve both the public and public safety employees.

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Public Safety Workforce Trends to Watch in 2023

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Apr 10, 2023 11:36:00 AM

Law enforcement, fire departments, and EMS will be facing many workforce challenges throughout 2023. Staffing shortages, maintaining community trust, and elevated violent crime rates are some of the most pressing problems facing public safety agencies this year. Fortunately, new insights and technological advances provide opportunities for agencies to better meet these growing challenges.

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The Retention Problem: How Public Agencies Can Prevent Turnover

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Feb 16, 2023 11:40:00 AM

The pandemic has had enormous impacts, especially in terms of employment. Not only has there been a massive shift toward remote work, but the “great resignation” has left many employers scrambling to fill positions—and certain industries have taken a bigger hit than others. Public agencies were among those struck the hardest, with employment in state governments dropping by 4.4% at the start of the pandemic.

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The Future of Remote Hearings in a Post-COVID World

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Jan 9, 2023 11:41:00 AM

COVID-19 altered many aspects of our lives, including our government and legal system. For those who work in courts or who have been involved in the legal system over the past few years, there have been a lot of changes. Notably, from local courts to federal courts, hearings had to be held virtually because of the pandemic. As COVID-19 restrictions fall away, the courts are deciding what the court process will look like in the future. Will remote hearings continue to be a part of the legal process, or will courts return to their in-person protocols following the pandemic?

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How Fire Departments Can Improve Their Volunteer Membership

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Dec 22, 2022 11:43:00 AM

When people hear the word firefighter, they often think of a person in full gear rushing into a burning building to save someone trapped inside. Firefighters are some of the bravest people out there, but there’s more to the job than risking their lives to help others in need. In this article, we will talk about how volunteer firefighters support departments, how to get more volunteers, and how to increase retention.

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What Leaders Can Do About Occupational Stress in Policing

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Nov 28, 2022 11:44:00 AM


Life as a police officer is incredibly stressful. Not only do officers have to deal with dangerous and stressful situations, but they’re also often excluded from their communities. The continued popularity of social media and the stereotyping it often fuels has only increased the impact of forced isolation on police officers. Pair these stressors with the hundreds of others that can impact your officers in their work, and you have a recipe for police burnout.

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