Prosecutors versus Public Defenders. You both work to protect your clients, but have crucial roles on opposite sides of the courtroom. As a Prosecutor, you work for the government agency bringing criminal charges and must prove a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And as a Public Defender, you must represent your client who has been accused of a crime and attempt to maintain their innocence. Two distinct points of view -- but with some similar needs.
You both must obtain pre-trial information, be it in the form of depositions, investigation results or stored evidence. You both will interact with law enforcement in one way or other. And as court events move through the judicial system, you both will need the accused and other witnesses to be notified and appear before a ruling can be delivered. You may even negotiate a mutually agreeable plea bargain. But one thing is certain -- you are both have one mission – to protect and serve society.
Communicate with defendant clients, refer them to community resources, and ensure attendance at court and mandatory appointments.
Eliminate court notification and attendance gaps between criminal justice practitioners, officers, civilians, and incarcerated witnesses.
From criminal and municipal to traffic, juvenile and magistrate courts – receive case management details as part of your notifications.
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When interfaced with case management systems, CourtNotify serves as a unifying solution for court clerks, prosecutors, public defenders, and public safety personnel.
It’s an ideal for notifying and tracking witness participation as cases progress through the court.
With Orion AttendanceTRKR, officers can check into one or multiple court events simultaneously and view each event’s details. Capture final case results entered during checkout for analytical reporting to quantify court overtime cost, case dispositions, and appearance trends. Apply geographical location data to ensure that logins/outs are within close proximity of scheduled events.
“We didn’t want a huge, complicated system to maintain, nor did we want to spend a lot on infrastructure. We wanted a system that issued electronic subpoenas to the Dallas Police Department, as well as the other 26 law enforcement agencies throughout the County. With this solution, we were able to accomplish both goals."
Tommy Hutson, IT Administrator for the Dallas County District Attorney
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